5V-1680 - suitable for Sanok
Part number 5V-1680
Manufacturer Sanok
Excl. VAT

The part number of this 5V-1680 NARROW SECTION BELTS is 5V-1680 which you can check to ensure your original Sanok component is the one you need for your particular piece of agricultural machinery before making a purchase.

The Sanok spare parts we have available are originals and are made from dependable materials, many of them at the cutting-edge of design, so you can expect long lifespans from them once they are in use.

Purchase a Sanok 5V-1680 for the competitive price of only€14.05.

Every spare part provided by our company will have been checked and securely packaged before shipping.

About Sanok

Founded in 1931, Sanok Rubber is a Polish manufacturer that specialises in automotive parts and V-belts as well as various other household and pharmaceutical manufacturing products. It makes rubber components that are used in the agricultural sector. Primarily, although not exclusively, these are anti-vibration and belt parts. For example, Sanok Rubber makes stabiliser bars and subframes as well as harvest belts and vege belts. The latter are specifically designed for vegetable picking equipment.

Sanok Rubber says that its values comprise three elements – technology, environmental protection and involvement. Since 1997, shares in the company have been publicly traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. It has plants in France, China, Germany and Mexico among other countries around the world.


Sanok offers what it calls a Product Submission Guarantee (PSW) - ensuring that its parts are fully compliant. The firm has several ISO accreditations to its name to help guarantee confidence in the quality of its production methods.

Why order at PROOTEQ

  • Brand new products made for a range of different agricultural machines and pickers
  • A socially responsible firm with a code of ethical conduct
  • A high-quality service that employs cutting-edge materials to acquire novel technical solutions
  • Rubber belt products designed to work at extreme temperature ranges with high length stability
  • Ordering Sanok's harvest belts means only needing to know the catalogue number
Minimum quantity
Outside length (La, mm)